Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Valentine Day's

Love is everything. No one can see it but I can feel it.Love is being happy and comfortable with some one and you can just be yourself, no makeup, no fancy clothes, wake up next to them and think that you 2 are the only 2 people in the world that matter. Your heart races when you see them after an hour or a day apart, and you get butterflies when they kiss you, and at that moment you know you will be together forever.Love is when they are your world... love is when that person doesn't complicate your life but they compliment it. When no matter what they have on they still look amazing to you. When you are with them time seems to fly but when you are apart it takes forevr to see them again. When even though they have made you mad or have hurt you, you can't help but love them. How when you see them your stomach still gets butterflies and you begin to smile no matter what mood you are in. When they touch you, you get cold chills all over. When the hardest thing to do is to say good bye. When everytime you blink their face is all you see and everytime you day dream they are all you dream about. When someone can look at you and see love in your eyes. When you can be clear across the room from them and know the second they walk into a room. When you can be in the middle of a conversation with someone and just glance at them and all of a sudden time begins to slow down and it becomes just you and him and that's the way you want it to be. When reality becomes better then a dream and life seems to good to be true. That's what love is. It's the feelings you only experience in those special moments that are spent with the one you love.

St. Valentine's Day originated from several events and customs. It is named after St. Valentine, who was a Christian priest. A Roman custom also contributed to what we know as Valentine's Day today. They held a festival each year called the Festival of Lupercalia at the same time of the year as Valentine's Day. Later the holiday changed into a holiday to honor the Roman goddess, Juno, whom the Romans believed ruled over marriages. It became a holiday of love. When the Christian church became powerful, the Pope changed the holiday to honor St. Valentine.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Friday, February 1, 2008

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the new year and ends on the full moon 15 days later. The 15th day of the new year is called the Lantern Festival, which is celebrated at night with lantern displays and children carrying lanterns in a parade. The Chinese calendar is based on a combination of lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. In order to "catch up" with the solar calendar the Chinese insert an extra month once every few years (seven years out of a 19-yearcycle). This is the same as adding an extra day on leap year. This is why, according to the solar calendar, the Chinese New Year falls on a different date each year.New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are celebrated as a family affair, a time of reunion and thanksgiving. The celebration was traditionally highlighted with a religious ceremony given in honor of Heaven and Earth, the gods of the household and the family ancestors. The sacrifice to the ancestors, the most vital of all the rituals, united the living members with those who had passed away. Departed relatives are remembered with great respect because they were responsible for laying the foundations for the fortune and glory of the family. The presence of the ancestors is acknowledged on New Year's Eve with a dinner arranged for them at the family banquet table. The spirits of the ancestors, together with the living, celebrate the onset of the New Year as one great community. The communal feast called "surrounding the stove" or weilu. It symbolizes family unity and honors the past and present generations. Probably more food is consumed during the New Year celebrations than any other time of the year. Vast amounts of traditional food is prepared for family and friends, as well as those close to us who have died.On New Year's Day, the Chinese family will eat a vegetarian dish called jai. Although the various ingredients in jai are root vegetables or fibrous. .vegetables, many people attribute various superstitious aspects to them

Freedom of speech in Thailand


The censorship on smoking scene of an anime charactor from One Piece in Thai TV.
In television broadcasts, scenes displaying nudity, consumption of alcohol, smoking, drug usage and weapons pointed at human beings are commonly censored by blurring out respective areas. Like all media, criticism of the King is not allowed.After the military coup of September 2006, the junta sent tanks and troops to secure all television stations. Junta leaders demanded the censorship of news reports and opinion polls that might be negative to the militaryThai television broadcasters did not air footage of demonstrations against the coup.Local cable broadcasts of CNN, BBC, CNBC, NHK, and several other foreign news channels were censored, with any footage involving former Premier Thaksin blacked out.In November, an interview with Nuamthong Phaiwan, a taxi driver who drove his taxi into a tank to protest the coup was broadcast by iTV. The broadcast came to an abrupt end after the director of Army-owned Channel 5 gave a warning telephone call. Although the station was already occupied by the military, an additional 20 soldiers were dispatched to the station. The junta also sent a letter to the six public TV channels summoning their news editors for instruction on "constructive reporting for peace of the nation. The nine members of Board of Directors of MCOT, a privatised state-owned media company, resigned on 26 September with effect as of 27 September in order to take responsibility for allowing Thaksin Shinwatra to shortly address the nation on MCOT-controlled Modernine TV (Channel 9). Seven months after the coup, the Bangkok Post reported that military censorship of broadcast media was tighter than at any time in the past 15 years.
Radio stations in Thailand must be government licensed and have traditionally been operated primarily by the Government and military. Ownership of radio outlets by government, military, and quasi-government entities have often undermined freedom of the media. In May 1993, the military shut down an army-owned radio station leased to a private news group for three days after the station ran a commentary critical of the armed forces. In another incident in February 1993, government-run media attempted to protect a prominent Buddhist monk accused of sexual misconduct by prohibiting interviews with another well-known Buddhist on his views about the allegations and declined to air a video documenting the monk's overseas travels.More recently, in March 2003 the Independent News Network (INN) radio broadcast was temporarily canceled after the network aired a Cabinet member's criticisms of the government. In response to public protests, the Government restored the broadcast and claimed that INN's failure to renew their broadcast license was the reason for the temporary closure.Community radio stations – mostly unlicensed – have seen dramatic growth during the Thaksin-government.There have been fears that the medium might be censored. Thailand's 2000–3000 community radio stations, often operating unlicensed, have been accused of causing interference with air traffic radio and other radio stations. However, limited crackdowns on selected community radio stations have caused critics to accuse the government of political interference.

8 Mile

A rap version of "Saturday Night Fever." B-Rabbit, a wannabe rapper from the wrong side of Detroit's 8 Mile, has problems: he dumps his girlfriend when she tells him she's pregnant; to save money to make a demo tape, he moves into his alcoholic mom's trailer; his job's a dead end, and he's just choked at the local head-to-head rap contest. Things improve when he meets Alex - an aspiring model headed for New York - and a fast-talking pal promises to set up the demo. Then new setbacks: Alex isn't faithful, mom rejects him, rifts surface with his friends, and he's mugged by rivals. Everything hinges on the next rap showdown at the club. I like this movie because I like Eminem.

8 Mile probably isn't what you might've expected. Given the cast and premise, you probably expect one of two things, either a silly excuse for self-aggrandizement or an overblown caricature of hip-hop culture. You don't get either. What you get in 8 Mile is a brave film that is surprisingly culturally and intellectually rigorous and an aggressive film that is so emotionally intense that it seems to sometimes tear itself apart.

The plot is not a biography of Marshall Mathers, a.k.a. Eminem, but it is very much informed and guided by the experiences of his early career as a rapper in blue-collar and no-collar Detroit. Eminem gives a compelled, powerful performance that diverges just enough from his public self to inject the story with a strong sense of realism without sacrificing anything artistically. The supporting cast also makes fine use of their considerable talents, carving the Detroit of this film out of the world itself, not out of fiction. Even as they help communicate a hard, unforgiving time and place, they also give rise to deep and profound sympathies that don't come around in every film.

The naturalistic presentation doesn't stop there; most of the film is shot on location in Detroit, and the gritty, sometimes almost frenzied design and cinematography firmly establish that this is not just another Hollywood movie. This is a movie that goes places movies don't generally go where, for good or for ill, many people do live every day. For one, 8 Mile might have the most believable, most powerful representation of an automobile factory of any film in the last twenty years, and it still manages to use the location for sophisticated, plot driving drama. Good stuff.

Of course, the film has its flaws. It's very heavy and bleak, at times it skirts the boundary of cliche a little bit, and the villains, a rival rap group known as the "Free World," are a little over the top, but, time and again, the solid acting and daunting camerawork keep coming back to seize the eye and command attention.

Oh, and, in case you were wondering, there is rapping, and plenty of it. The rapping is really top-quality, cutting edge stuff, for the most part, and it is integrated into the script so well that it is always clear that the characters choose to rap, not that the script forces them to do so. The rapping happens because it must happen to these characters at this time, not because Eminem is a rapper. In an industry where pop music movies are a dime a dozen, this is particularly impressive. This film says something about rap and the human experience that hasn't been articulated this well many times before; it bridges the gap between rap and poetry in a big way, and makes that gap look a lot smaller.

All in all, the thing that really defines 8 Mile is how committed to this idea the cast and crew must have been in order to make this film. Every minute and every second, the cast's intensity never gives up, and the camera never sleeps. The film is detailed, finely crafted, and has a pounding heart the size of a boxcar. If you don't mind the obscenity and violence (and there is a bunch), I'd definitely say this is a movie worth seeing

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lucky day

I went to Assumption University by bus. Everyday I got up early for went to Abac.My home is far away from Abac. Sometime I woke up late I went to abac by taxi.Oneday I wake up late. I was very hurried. I ran very fast to bus station. I think went to school by taxi but it not have a taxi.I think what was I do.Then it have a red car stopped in front of me. That was my friend.She passed way of my home. She saw me and me went to Abac with her. I was very lucky.When I arrived Abac I said thank you to my friend. That travelling to Abac it make me woke up early everyday. I don't want went to Abac late. Travelling to Abac everyday it made me responsible of myself.I woke up early than before.I think I must travelling to Abac everyday for my class was not missed class.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

About Me

Friday, November 9, 2007
About Me
My name is Sirirat Chotichaiyarit. you can call me meow. I'm 18 year old. My old

school is Sacred Heart Convent School. My family have 4 people .My bad side is crazy

something in sometime and my good side is friendly. I love sing a song I feel happy when I sing

a song in my bathroom or my bedroom. When I was young I want to be a police woman but

nowI want to be a lawyer because I want to help everybody. My first at Abac I feel very

excited and anxious about speaking ,listening, writing because my English is not good but I’m

try to do homework of myself and I just to do that in everyday. Before I have come to

Assumption University I don’t know what is going to be but I heard it is the good University

when I have come to abac It have good atmosphere it make me relax not serious. Assumption

University is very famous of Thailand . I’m lucky to study in this University. I feel anxious

about my new friend because I don’t know what a new friend could be but when I have already

talked my new friends my anxious is gone. My new friends are very friendly and lovely I’m

very glad and happy to meet them.

Although my English is not good but I’m try to reading passage , find a vocabulary

everyday but I will not serious about whatever is going to be in the future and I will happy

about it.