Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lucky day

I went to Assumption University by bus. Everyday I got up early for went to Abac.My home is far away from Abac. Sometime I woke up late I went to abac by taxi.Oneday I wake up late. I was very hurried. I ran very fast to bus station. I think went to school by taxi but it not have a taxi.I think what was I do.Then it have a red car stopped in front of me. That was my friend.She passed way of my home. She saw me and me went to Abac with her. I was very lucky.When I arrived Abac I said thank you to my friend. That travelling to Abac it make me woke up early everyday. I don't want went to Abac late. Travelling to Abac everyday it made me responsible of myself.I woke up early than before.I think I must travelling to Abac everyday for my class was not missed class.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

About Me

Friday, November 9, 2007
About Me
My name is Sirirat Chotichaiyarit. you can call me meow. I'm 18 year old. My old

school is Sacred Heart Convent School. My family have 4 people .My bad side is crazy

something in sometime and my good side is friendly. I love sing a song I feel happy when I sing

a song in my bathroom or my bedroom. When I was young I want to be a police woman but

nowI want to be a lawyer because I want to help everybody. My first at Abac I feel very

excited and anxious about speaking ,listening, writing because my English is not good but I’m

try to do homework of myself and I just to do that in everyday. Before I have come to

Assumption University I don’t know what is going to be but I heard it is the good University

when I have come to abac It have good atmosphere it make me relax not serious. Assumption

University is very famous of Thailand . I’m lucky to study in this University. I feel anxious

about my new friend because I don’t know what a new friend could be but when I have already

talked my new friends my anxious is gone. My new friends are very friendly and lovely I’m

very glad and happy to meet them.

Although my English is not good but I’m try to reading passage , find a vocabulary

everyday but I will not serious about whatever is going to be in the future and I will happy

about it.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Everyday my mother gose to University. She gets up early. She goes to university at 8:00am with me. She eats a hamberger at mc donals with her friend for lunch. She comes back home at4:00 pm. In the evening she likes listen to music in the kitchen. She goes to the supermarket.She buys fresh vetgetables and pork.She comes backhome again at 8:00pm.She goes to bed at 10:00pm. My mother is a teacher.She teaches history subject from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Sometimes I come back home with my mother. She goes home by bus.She arrives at 5:00pm every evening.

The person I admire more

The person I admire more
I admare Clash band because Clash band have a dream and do it to be the truth. Before they was to be the superstar. They was to fight one's way forward. They must to test voice at grammy Company.And then they was to wait again and again in 5 years. Until They was release first alblum . Athough it's very long time but they was wait to be pantient . First alblum it's name One. After theywas release many alblum.And now they was release 5 alblum yet. A vocal has work hard because his mother seriously ill at hospital he has earn for his mom. He has to recive gratefulness son award in 2006. He is a good idol for juveniles. He can famous because he has a gratefulness he hasn't to act differently . Theyvhas my admire very much. I feel very happy when I saw them on a big concert and I will follow a product them forever.