Thursday, January 3, 2008

The person I admire more

The person I admire more
I admare Clash band because Clash band have a dream and do it to be the truth. Before they was to be the superstar. They was to fight one's way forward. They must to test voice at grammy Company.And then they was to wait again and again in 5 years. Until They was release first alblum . Athough it's very long time but they was wait to be pantient . First alblum it's name One. After theywas release many alblum.And now they was release 5 alblum yet. A vocal has work hard because his mother seriously ill at hospital he has earn for his mom. He has to recive gratefulness son award in 2006. He is a good idol for juveniles. He can famous because he has a gratefulness he hasn't to act differently . Theyvhas my admire very much. I feel very happy when I saw them on a big concert and I will follow a product them forever.

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